Christmas Tree Fundraiser

Thank you for choosing to participate in the Jenks Vocal Music Christmas Tree Fundraiser. Spots are available on a first come, first served basis.

To participate you will need to purchase a Christmas Tree that is no taller than 2 ft tall. (There is a link below for your convenience). You can choose a theme from the available themes in the sign up website OR submit your own theme idea through the sign up website for approval.

You will then decorate your tree with ornaments, lights, etc, according to your theme and your desire. For example, with the Broadway tree you could decorate the tree with twinkling lights, Broadway decorations, and tickets to a musical at the PAC. These trees will be auctioned off at Pancake Breakfast and Winter Concert. You can be as elaborate and fancy or thrifty as you like, but the trees will go in an auction, so think what might be appealing or bring in the most money by people in the community. Your student will receive 100% of the auction profit straight to their vocal music account.

Trees must be decorated, wrapped in clear cellophane or a cellophane gift basket bag and delivered to the school between Friday Dec. 6th and 8:30am Sat. Dec. 7th. Please include a description of your tree to be placed aside your tree with any information that you would like for people to know about your tree.

*Please do not sign up for a theme if you do not intend to participate in the Christmas Tree Fundraiser*

After you have purchased your tree and have it all decorated, please email to let me know what starting price to put on your bid sheet (This price is often the total of your tree and your decorations.)

Link to Example Tree on Amazon

Signups are now Closed

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